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How to drive traffic from Facebook to White Hat nutra offer

In Affiliate Marketing, Facebook is definitely one of the most common and optimal sources of traffic. There are several objective reasons for this...

#Nutra #Facebook #White Hat
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Uniqueization of creatives in Spy-services

Together with the ability to generate creatives, it is also important to be able to make them unique. This skill is necessary in order to skillfully use other publishers...

#Nutra #Guides #Spy-services
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Working with pre-landers in Affiliate Marketing

A pre-lander is a page or a website a user sees after clicking on an ad and prior to going to a landing page. A lander is there to show and sell a product, while the pre-landing...

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How to send leads via API!?

An API is an application programming interface through which computer programs can communicate with each other. One application, for example, gets access to some data or functions of another.

#Nutra #API
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What is cloaking and how to cloak correctly?

Cloaking is a technology for replacing content that is shown when clicking on a link in an advertisement. We also know that a cloaca is a tool for separating traffic. The very term "cloaking" is not derived from...

#Nutra #Cloaking
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How to set up postback in affiliate network and in a tracker

Every webmaster needs more detailed traffic data, based on which he can conduct a more thorough analysis. To do this, he may also need a postback, which is a mechanism for transmitting information about any...

#Nutra #Postback #Tracker
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Spy tools for affiliate marketing

To create a good creative or landing page, a webmaster can spend a significant part of his time searching for it, adapting it for himself, or creating it on his own. But he can spend even more time and more budget on conducting A / B testing...

#Nutra #Spy
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The Complete Dictionary of Affiliate Marketing

A customer or advertiser who has his own product or offer and who pays the Affiliate Program for certain actions on the offer (confirmed order, registration, etc.). Adverts are also called webmasters who drive...

#Nutra #Dictionary

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